Rise of the Technocrats: Woken Promises: Episode 22

When Canada’s Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland announced that “information is now being shared with Canada’s financial institutions,” a brazen attack on civil liberties after the invocation of the Emergencies Act, it was a sign that totalitarianism had arrived. How did things get so far out of control in Canada?

Looking back, Freeland presented her thoughts to the World Economic Forum (WEF) addressing populist responses to technical revolution and income inequality in 2019, and it was clear that despite paying lip-service to the concerns she and Trudeau had for average Canadians, neither of them had bothered to address the coming storm in a meaningful way. In fact, the WEF had allowed a lot of presentations which supported the push for technology and technocracy and exacerbated such inequality without presenting any solutions. Today, the WEF provides a podium for technocrats pushing old tricks like Marxian eliciting of emotional reasoning, Malthusian fear in climate alarmism, or just the need for a monstrous global government with regards to population control.

In this episode we get an introduction to what the WEF has been presenting over the past several years about the fourth industrial revolution (focused on interconnectivity and smart automation) and how they continue to shove it down our throats. All of this despite the lack of popular support and despite the harm it is causing the average man and woman.


Toying with Democracy: Woken Promises: Episode 23


Marx, Engels and the Abolition of the Family: Woken Promises: Episode 21